Gender Equity Policy

Gender Equity Policy

We are commited to gender Equality in the workplace

In 2025, demographic data of Pratama Group's employees show that > 70 % of them consist of women. This current condition is the reason that we need to empower women and create gender equality in the workplace.

In terms to support gender equity in the workplace, PT Pratama Abadi Industri has committed to respect any diversity, inclusion, and equality to create a fair, transparent, and comfortable workplace for all the employees and not interfere with employee rights. Also, we have set a goal to increase the number of women leaders in 2025 as the data below.


The Legal Basis of the above objectives:
1.UU Republik Indonesia No. 7 of 1984 Concerning the Ratification of the Convention Concerning the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
2.UU No. 39 of 1999 Concerning Human Rights
3.Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 Concerning Gender Mainstreaming in National Development
4.ILO Convention No.190 and ILO Recommendation No. 206 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work and its ratification.
5.ILO Convention No. 111 and ILO Recommendation No. 111 on discrimination in employment and occupation, support for CEDAW: the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination and against women.
6.ILO Convention No. 100 ILO Recommendation No. 90 Concerning Wages: Pay equal wages for work of equal value between men and women
7.ILO Convention No. 156 ILO Recommendation No. 165 Relating to Promoting equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women with family responsibilities.
8.Beijing Declaration and Platform for ActionThe Fourth World Conference on Women from September 4 to 15, 1995,- United Nations

The initial move to achieve the above objectives, Pratama has commitment to:

1. Removing negative stigmas and discrimination in the workplace.
2. Improve the awareness of all employees and leaders on rights and obligations related to diversity, especially gender.
3. Provide rights, opportunities, treatment, access, and facilities by the conditions and or a variety of employees (especially gender) in the entire process of recruitment, promotion, self-development and skills, evaluation and promotion/career development, wages, handling of violence & harassment, suggestions & complaints, transportation and accommodation as well as matters related to employee health, safety, and welfare.
4. Increase access and encourage and / or empower employees, especially women, related to development/training, especially in non-traditional fields to improve the position, role, and quality of women to increase women's representation through career development programs.
5. Listening to, responding to, and providing an act upon the voices of all employees without exception.
6. Protect the employees especially women from violence and harassment.
7. Provide work facilities for women workers such as toilets, places of worship, lactation rooms, canteens, clinics, transportation and improve facilities that are friendly to mothers and children.
8. The company is committed to opening opportunities and providing access to colleagues with disabilities to work with PT Pratama Abadi Industri.